Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolution.

One New Years Resolution I want to keep… is not to be so detached from the world. Looking back into the past decade, I have no idea what’s going on… but I know that it’s laid some great framework for the next years to come. Instead of being so detached from everything, I want to try to do something… especially since we have the power to make ideas and read about ideas with just clicks of a button. This next decade is a crucial one, since it’ll be containing my college years, so let’s make them count. I found some good music for the past few years, but let’s expand that horizon, let’s get into some different arts, stop playing so many videogames… (dunno if that one is possible), and make some great fucking friends. Let’s start doing something with our time, because right now, we’re the living, and we have so much power to do anything… we just don’t recognize it yet. Let’s soak ourselves in knowledge, so we can do something powerful in the years to come.