Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Spring Break Post.

For me, at least, break is a time where I’m allowed to reflect about what the fuck I’m doing in the semester.  This semester I think was a pretty interesting one.  My first class is 10:30 now and my Mondays and Wednesdays are still packed.  It’s all good though because now I only have 2 classes on Friday and still only 1 class on Thursday.  Definitely learned that I’m not a morning person and I can’t wake up for my classes (22 missed classes at 8:30 in the morning last semester.  I’m surprised I didn’t fail and got a B in that class).  But yeah, this semester I’ve been going to my classes pretty consistently.  I’ve missed a few classes here and there, but nothing to the extremes.

So what’s new this semester.  Is it just the same old shit from last semester?  Pretty much, it’s been like that… which hasn’t been too exciting.  I mean everything is more comfortable now.  The friends are set, the setting is set, and you basically have everything in the reach of your hands.  Nothing is unusual or unnerving, which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing either.  Life is too simple and plain.  With nothing new in the palm of your hands, you’re just stuck in such a monochromatic lifestyle.

I go to class, I get back from class, I bum out with friends, I play video games, I start homework, I play HoN, I go to the gym, and I eat the same damn shit.

On Fridays, think of what to do this weekend.  Drink, go to Andy’s house to drink, bum around, play games, play sports (when the weather gets better)… seriously.  Nothing to do.  It’s not bothersome since we always find something to do, but damn, it shouldn’t be this tedious to try and figure out something to do.  And I think that’s when I know something is really wrong.

I guess it is my fault though.  I’m not involved in anything, but damn, the same mundane things everyday.  And I’m so complacent about it.  It doesn’t bother me at all, but we’ll see what happens next year.  I mean, at least this semester I’m actually attempting to study and do all of my work, unlike last semester.  So there has been progression instead of a downward spiral… but it’s crazy to think that in two months my first year of college has already gone by.  It’s definitely gonna past by real quick so lets make these next two months something meaningful before my sophomore year.

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